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How to Set Up Starknet Devnet and Frontend for Smart Contract Development

How to Set Up Starknet Devnet and Frontend for Smart Contract Development

Created On:
Fri Sep 08 2023 (6:46:04 PM)
Updated On:
Fri Sep 08 2023 (7:13:07 PM)
Explore our comprehensive guide on setting up Starknet Devnet for seamless smart contract development. Learn how to install Pyenv, initialize virtual environments, create and deploy smart contracts, and build a frontend for interaction. Dive into the world of Starknet with step-by-step instructions and simplify your journey into decentralized applications (dApps).

How to Set Up Starknet Devnet and Frontend for Smart Contract Development

Date: September 8, 2023

Are you looking to deploy and test your smart contracts on Starknet Devnet? This guide will walk you through the complete environment setup, including setting up Starknet Devnet and creating a frontend for smart contract development. Let's get started!

1. Installing Pyenv

Starknet Devnet requires Python 3.9. To manage Python versions effectively, we recommend using pyenv, similar to nvm for Node.js.

Why Use Pyenv?

  • Avoid conflicts with other Python projects.
  • System Python (for macOS/Ubuntu users) should not be disturbed.

Installation Steps

For Ubuntu/Debian users:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl \
libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev \
libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev

For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL:

sudo yum install gcc zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel \
readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl-devel \
xz xz-devel libffi-devel

For macOS users:

brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib

Then, install pyenv:

curl | bash

Update your .bashrc file to include pyenv in your PATH. Open it with:

nano ~/.bashrc

Add the following lines to the end of the file:

if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"

export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Save and exit the text editor. Then, run:

exec $SHELL

For more information, refer to the Real Python guide on managing multiple Python versions using Pyenv.

2. Installing Python 3.9 using Pyenv

Install Python 3.9 using pyenv:

pyenv install 3.9

Verify that Python 3.9 is installed:

pyenv versions

You should see something like:


Ensure that Python 3.9.* is available.

3. Initializing a Virtual Environment using Pyenv

Once you have pyenv and Python 3.9.* installed, create a new virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.18 starknet_env

Activate the virtual environment:

pyenv local starknet_env
exec $SHELL
pip install starknet-devnet

4. Starting Starknet Devnet

To start Starknet Devnet, simply run:


Successful result;

Setting up starknet devnet for local starknet smart contract development

5. Generating Signer Account

i. Creating a Keystore

Create a directory for your keystore:

mkdir ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer -p

Generate a keystore:

starkli signer keystore from-key ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json

Select an account from the list displayed when you ran starknet-devnet. Get the private key from it and provide it as requested.

To check the created keystore:

cat ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json

ii. Creating an Account Descriptor

Run the following command to generate a wallet class hash:

starkli class-hash-at <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --rpc

Replace <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> with the account address of the selected account. Then, open another terminal and run:

nano ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json

Paste the following into the file, replacing placeholders as necessary:

    "version": 1,
    "variant": {
        "type": "open_zeppelin",
        "version": 1,
        "public_key": "<ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY>"
    "deployment": {
        "status": "deployed",
        "class_hash": "<SMART_WALLET_CLASS_HASH>",
        "address": "<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>"

6. Building a Smart Contract

If you don't have a contract, clone one using the following link:

git clone

Then, build the contract:

scarb build

7. Declaring the Smart Contract for Deployment

starkli declare path/to/sierra.json-file --account path-to-account-descriptor --keystore path-to-account-keystore --rpc


starkli declare target/dev/*.sierra.json --keystore  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json --account  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json --rpc

This generates a class-hash for deployment.

8. Deploying the Smart Contract

starkli deploy generated-class-hash-from-declaring --account path-to-account-descriptor --keystore path-to-account-keystore --rpc


starkli deploy <class-hash-here> --keystore  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json --account  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json --rpc

This generates a contract-address for interaction.

9. Calling the Smart Contract

starkli call contract-address method --rpc


starkli call contract-address get_balance --rpc

10. Invoking the Smart Contract

starkli invoke contract-address method args --keystore  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json --account  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json --rpc


starkli invoke contract-address increase_balance 200 --keystore  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_keystore.json --

account  ~/.starkli-wallets/deployer/account1_account.json --rpc

11. Creating a Vite App


  • Node.js (version > 12 and < 20)
  • npm, yarn, or pnpm
npm create vite@latest frontend

If the above command fails, run:

npm i -g vite

Then create the Vite app as shown above.

After creating the app, navigate to the frontend directory and install the necessary packages:

cd frontend
npm i
npm install starknet

12. Setting up the App to Make Calls to the Smart Contract

If you've reached this step without any errors, open the app.jsx file in the src folder and replace its contents with the provided code. Make sure to update placeholders like <PRIVATE_KEY>, <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>, and <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>.

import React from 'react'
import { Contract, Account, Provider } from 'starknet'
// Create a file called abi.json in  your assets folder under src and paste the sierra.json file generated by scarb build that you declared earlier.
import { abi } from './assets/abi.json'

const PRIVATE_KEY = import.meta.env.PRIVATE_KEY // Pick an account and pass its private key here
const ACCOUNT_ADDRESS = "0x52c40906327dc0f016115c0a921fef085a44ecf64ae588ebc9a376dba0607c2" // Account address of the selected account from starknet-devnet

/* The contract address below is modified, also modify yours and remove any zeros after x ie
if your contract address is 0x004236... or 0x04236... - remove the two/one zero(s) after x to be
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = import.meta.env.CONTRACT_ADDRESS // Contract address

const provider = new Provider({ rpc: { nodeUrl: "" } })
const account = new Account(provider, ACCOUNT_ADDRESS, PRIVATE_KEY)
const contract = new Contract(abi, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, account)

const App = () => {
async function callContract(){
    const res = await contract.get_balance()

async function writeToContract(){
    const myCall = contract.populate('increase_balance', [35])
    const res = await contract.increase_balance(myCall.calldata)

return (
    <button onClick={callContract}>Call Contract</button>
    <button onClick={writeToContract}>Write to Contract</button>

export default App

Now you're ready to develop and test your Starknet smart contracts with a frontend application!

Happy coding!

Starknet Devnet, Smart Contract Development, Pyenv Installation, Virtual Environment Setup, Starknet Smart Contracts, Frontend Development, Decentralized Applications (dApps), Starknet Tutorial, Blockchain Development, Ethereum Development